2019 | fire night performance | cardboard, packaging tape, newspaper, spray paint, wood, and ink
I’ll become like a doll to you
Play the part of the one who never speaks out
Stands out
The one who always falls into place,
Always obeys,
Take my voice away already because it doesn’t affect you,
It only continues to poison me,
Hurt me,
Cut me,
Bleed me,
And wring me out until I am dry
And I’ve been dried out for so long.
I’m tired.
I’m empty.
I’ll give it to you freely.
You won’t have to work for it.
I am now your reflection,
A vessel for what you don’t want the world to see,
The world to hear.
I will hold onto it all,
For I will hold all of your worst demons because at least I will be holding something
To be full and empty at the same moment,
Now I have become whole.