A 2:03 minute performance. I sat on my knees playing the game where I picked petals from roses. When I landed on she loves me not, I tried to replace the petals using bandaids and when this didn’t work, I tried to mend the petals together using my mouth. I did this all while saying:
“She loves me
She loves me not
She loves me
She loves me not
She loves me
She loves me not
She loves me
She loves me not
She loves me
She loves me not
I’m pretty
I’m happy
I’m pretty
I’m happy
She loves me not…
I can fix it
I can make it better
I can fix it
I can make it better
I can fix it
I can make it better
I can fix it
I can make it better
I can fix it
I can make it better...
Don't you care
Aren’t you proud
Haven't you noticed
Am I even am special
Don't you care
Aren’t you proud
Haven't you noticed
Am I even am special
I’ll be better
I’ll fix it
I’ll be better
I’ll fix it
I’ll be better
I’ll fix it
I’m trying
I’m sorry
I’m sorry
Please I’m trying
I’m sorry for crying
But please
Love me
Why won’t you love me”.